
Historical Sales Data of 45 Walmart stores each containing a number of departments is provided. I have made a regression model which predicts the department-wide sales for each store.


Install Python3.x, and install these dependencies using pip - scikit-learn, sklearn, scipy, pandas.

pip3 install dependency_name


As data shouldn’t be posted publicly, please refer this link.

  1. Stores. (Store, Type, Size)
  2. Features. These are additional features used which have less direct impact. Markdowns mentioned are special holidays. (Store, Date, Temperature, Fuel_Price, MarkDown1, MarkDown2, MarkDown3, MarkDown4, MarkDown5, CPI, Unemployment, IsHoliday)
  3. Training Dataset. (Store, Dept, Date, Weekly_Sales, IsHoliday)
  4. Testing Dataset. (Store, Dept, Date, IsHoliday)
  5. Sample Submission Format.


Results from predictions

Based on weighted mean absolute error(WMAE), points scored in Kaggle is 11126.41686. Please feel free to download, fork, send pull requests and comment on this project.